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Imperfections ;)

Nigel Tan
Is attatched to Desiree Ang♥140210
is in 4e2 ;D, Currently studying in G.V.S.S ;)
Expects to receive presents on 12/12/94
Basketball and piano
will always be my passion ;)
But i still love
140210♥ best!

Im not alone!


Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Escapes ;D

Jun Hao



please do not remove credits:)
|rock97| |BackGround|

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Here i am blogging bout todae and ytd since Dear♥ asked me to blog once agn ;p. Okae, bout ytd erm... Strted off the dae wif CIP at err... i-forgot-where at some eldery homes. Supposed to distribute food items to them and talk to them, if possible, help them clean up their place.

Well, okae, made our way thr, grouped with Jacey, Jun Hong(YAM) and Tik lam. Pretty boring, aint the usual ppl whom i mix wif, but managed i think haha! Texted dear♥ tru the whole time so it wasnt boring~. My group was appointed to 2 homes, frs home, distributed the food and erm, she dint let us in, so was forced to talk along the corridor. 2nd home was the same and and! Yam Jun Hong did all the talking ;p That practically ended our CIP session and of course, a reflection as the finisher. Made our way back, reached GVSS but dint send dear♥ back home ;(. sry dear ;(. Went to have lunch wif Jerold, Jimson and Jonathan (; Aft lunch, had our usuall card session at some nearby voiddeck~ BOC, i won with dear cheering for me! (;

Okae, went home aft that, and went out agn aft washing up, to meet Dear♥ (; Planned to go East coast to cycle haha! Met up wif Dear♥ and LOL! she told me she cant rmb how to go east coast ;p Lalalala~ told her even if we get lost, we will still be tgt ;p. Aft contacting her frens, boarded the correct bus, BUS 31 LOL ;p Made our way thr. Chatted, bullied dear♥ on the way thr ;p. When we arrived, we were both sick and feeling a little unwell. Dear♥ had a bad flu and i was feeling lethargic~ Still, made our way to the rental shop, got our bikes and tadah~ we strted cycling here and thr (; Stopped at few points coz dear♥ flu was getting frm bad to worse ;(. Sat down, chat, enjoyed the wind (; Finally, we got up, grabbed our bikes and cycled back to the rental shop. And thr! we haf spent our 2 hours at East coast jus like that. Actually wanted to see sunset thr, but dear♥ said we wont b able to see any thr ;( So we made our way back to Tampinese for dinner.

Moving on~ Slept on the bus back while hugging dear♥ ;p Got off, had dinner. But somehow, meals wif dear♥ is always fun LOL ;p Wlked wif dear back home, chatted with her dhen saw her up the lift ;( Time seems to fly past so fast whenever i'm with you. As the saying, time flies whenever our having fun, so dear♥ did u haf fun ytd? ;p

Okae, so now bout todae erm...okae actually nth much bout todae actually. Went to play basketball, was fun but tiring as usually. And guess thats all for these 2 daes (; Having a little headache now =.= so ciao!

I will love you more than that
I won't say the words
Then take them back
Don't give loneliness a chance
Baby listen to me when I say
I will love you more than that

I will love you more than that my dear♥

Lalalalala~Sunday, March 07, 2010

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Lazy to blog these few daes, so cherish post i ever post, coz they may jus happen to be the last post of the blog! LOL! jkjk, i'm keeping this blog since Dear♥ wans to read it haha ;)!

Okae lets strt of the dae wif... Chinese test! I am proud to sae i haf dozed off during the test LOL!So boring laa, reading the chinese compre passage =.=. But owell, test turned out okae... i think!;p.. Moving on~ Lessons were as usual, boring! haha! Next coming up was the... SS test! Well, overall, i think it was better dhen chinese! at least i know whut im writing and think i've answered that correctly ;). Next was math test. Jus coz i dint pay attention i had to kiss my 3 marks goodbye. Fuck =.=.

Moving on~ Went LP with Dear♥ aft sch to get bubbletea! Chatted as we walked and headed sr8 to Dear♥'s hse~ This time! i noticed the hamsters/ the fish tank and the study table in her hse LOL! aft the third time =.=. Guess im getting blur-er by the dae haha! ;p. Watched Dear♥ slpt, so cute laa!;X.. Dhen decided to occupy myself by drawing Beyonds, which looked lik shyt, but Dearv liked it o.o. Well, mainly had a pillow fight wif Dear♥ and drew her smth too! which i think wud b posted on her blog by this sat haha! ;p. Sadly, had to bid farewell to Dear♥ and yay! she owes me smth now ;p!

Reached home, with no hwrk todae! so thats why u see me blogging todae haha! Tml's fundraising and our class is doing horror hse! Hope its gonna b fun~ Ciao!

Lalalalala~Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Hahaha! bloggin bout todae peeps ;). And to add on to ytd, coz Dear♥ insisted me to mention as according to the tagbox!. Yes yes, Desiree Ang ytd, ate faster dhen me LOL, M-I-R-A-C-L-E~! haha! okae moving on to todae~

Hmm, as usual, every sat morning i strt off the morning by going to SJAB training! The feeling isnt the same anymore, in the past, i used to go trainings coz of that certain someone. But now, i go for the sake of my frens and the sake of my CCA points LOL ;p But this is all in the past, nv to be dugged up agn for i haf you with me now, you whom stepped into my life and somehow turned my ugly life to bliss ;p

Okae, training was very very slack todae~ Took Delta for abit training, footdrill was alr very slack, but my SGT said we were too fierce on them O.O. But wdv~ played games with them. captain ball, and some game which i forgot dhen i played abit of basketball!;D . Well~ moving on! Aft training~ went to Pastamania with Jik yew and Jireh, as whut was planned! But saw the crowd outside, decided to go swensens instead LOL ;p Had a heavy lunch i guess and went round shopping for Jireh's Headphones. Which he took so long to get it o.o

Well~ aftwards rushed hoome, bathed prepared myself dhen went down str8 to meet Dear♥ whu was waiting at my void deck, apparently slping LOL ;p Went to disturb her beauty slp ;p And when she woke up, she see 2 kitkats waiting for her LOL ;p yup yup, dhen we went on to ehub and to BK to do our hwrk (; Aft some time we got bored Strted doodling on my book, which Dear♥ took it home coz she wanted to edit somemore o.o and Snapped some photos and i drew a burger! hahaha ;p Photos upload below! ;D

As u held my hand, as usual, i felt the warmth u gave me ;) As my lips touched u, u melted my heart ;).

Me drawing burger~

Me drawing burger part 2 ;p

Burger complete! ;) BUT OMFG! I SPELLED DEAR♥'s name wrongly =.=ought to slap myself!

Dear♥ Doodling! ;)

Lalalalala~Saturday, February 27, 2010

Friday, February 26, 2010

Woo~ i got bored and coz Dear♥ asked me to blog so tadah~ Lets strt of the dae wif erm... ya, i slpt in class todae agn. Shyt =.=. Resolution made to Dear♥ was to try not to slp in class and i phailed T.T Got called when i dozed off for a sec in math lesson. Woked me up for the rest of the lesson LOL ;p

O well~ moving on~ lessons were pretty normal and i guess the only interesting lesson todae is still catalyst ;)! Hmmm, the cher talked bout how u shudnt think " i don;t believe it would ever work or i dont believe i would get a solution" but instead, think of " I can do it" . Watched a short clip from starwars~ Bout this thingy saying if u always dont believe in urself, its why u will always phail. I guess thats quite true as well ;)

Well, aft sch went to watch the badminton match finals! G.v.s.s against Victoria sch. Match was nice but we got thrashed 4-0.. But overall, i think we did quite all right ;). I shouted and cheered lik thrs no tml, throat hurts now =.= Aft that, we were sent back to sch, and dismissed frm thr. Went to whitesands with Dear♥ aft that to haf dinner. And once agn she paid for my food =.= OMG!nvm aft all i will pay her back and i dont care. I WILL PAY DEAR♥ BACK THE MONEY ;P. Chatted for very long and omg. DEAR♥ SUDDENLY SAID I LOOK HANDSOME TODAE O.O! Idk why but LOL! so sudden haha!. Well, aft we had dinner, chatted dhen she walked me home ;) And hoho! I WILL PAY BACK WHUT I OWE OKAE! ;p Love you Dear♥!

Well, guess thats all for todae, nth much~ so CIAO!

Lalalalala~Friday, February 26, 2010

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Wooo~aft so long, here i am blogging bout todae! ;) Lets strt of the dae wif erm... I FELL ASLEEP IN CLASS AGN WDF! even when i haf a sweet in my month, wdf is going on o.o. Oh wait! have i posted b4? I once fell aleep, in the toilet, when i was STANDING and taking a SHOWER, with water running down my head. I fell asleep! LOL ;p woo~ can any1 beat that? ;p

Okae, moving on~ nth much happened i guess, so lets go on to the badminton match thingy! Sms-ed Dear♥ aft she finished her assembly thingy and sadly, she had the assembly thingy so she cant go watch the match ;(. Anyways, texted all the way till she had to go to the meeting and i arrived at victoria sch. Sch seems nice and quite big, so is the hall haha!. Watched the matches, so dam awesome! hahaha! and nice ;). G.v.s.s PWNT dunman high!. Won 3 sets lost 1, but a nice match. The only other thing i haf to comment, the friggin place is lik a sauna, so dam bloody hot =.=.

Well, the thigny ended at 5 plus, dhen released frm sch at bout 6 so tadah~ end of the dae LOL!.

Its just those few hours but im alr missing u dear♥ ;( Hope to see you soon ;p. Anyways, Ciao!

Lalalalala~Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Long story cut short! I am glad to haf entered 3e2 -> 4e2, and i am glad to haf met frens, whom i had problems wif or watsoever, that made a change in my life, that made it lead its way to u!. I LOVE YOU DESIREE ANG LI JUN!♥ Altho the time we spent tgt may not b that long yet, but i know we will and always b tgt tru thick or thin coz all i know is that i haf fallen so deep, so deeply in love with you!;)

Hmmm, dear!i dun haf as many points as u coz i very gong one ;(

When you smile, i smile definitely!

When you said ur fat, NO UR NOT! i find u cute ;)

When i get your sms-es i get happy coz i know ur thinking of me

When i am feeling troubled, jus having a tot of you is enough to let me forget my troubles

When i am feeling unwell u will always b thr wif ur caring hands

When u said u miss me, i miss u 2 times more ;p

When u hug me, i wished those times wud last forever

When u held my arms i felt the warmth u gave me

When u said bout ur past thinking i wud mind, no i dont, coz i love you always(and always!) ;)

and, When u said u love me, u had my heart forever ;)

I have many more on the list!rly but dear, i haf a deadline to meet ;(
I love you Desiree Ang!♥ 140210

Lalalalala~Saturday, February 20, 2010

Friday, February 19, 2010

Well, here i am blogging right aft i just reached home with an outing with zhuzhu♥ ;) Strted off the dae wif erm... oh ya! Zhuzhu♥ brought sweets for me, and its 14! hahaha! 14 is my favourite number now, if u guys know why ;p. Okae, she passed the sweets to roy dhen to me haha! coz she always reaches late to sch ;(. Any how, thx zhuzhu♥ for ur sweets! that helped me stay awake tru most of the boring lessons todae haha! ;). Okae, moving on, todae i found catalyst boring not as interesting haha! not sure why tho =.=.

Moving on, had my chem spa test. Result = like shyt. Screw it maaaaan! i screwed up my graph and now my test is screwed =.=. O well, aft sch, send zhuzhu♥ to her block, wanted to send her up, but she asked me to go to my CCA ;( So in the end, she waited with me for the bus to come and i boarded the bus and we bid farewell~. Went back to sch into the SJAB room. Supposedly supposed to haf a meeting but it kinda ended when i reached =.= Text-ed zhuzhu♥ all the way ;p and decided to meet ltr on so kinda slacked all the way thr and i got covered in flour for no reason =.= Thx alpha =.=.

Moving on~ left the palce kinda early, got hoem to prepare! dhen went out to strt hunting for zhuzhu♥'s block ahaha!Omg, i took bout 15++ mins to find the block which i could haf achieved in less dhen 5 if i didnt take the wrong turn here and thr haha! Met zhuzhu♥ ltr on, dhen stepped into her hse for the frs time! ;p Well, it kinda looked ABIIIIIT like how i imagined haha! well, i only ventured at the living rm area, nth more ;). Dhen went on to tm for dinner! As usually zhuzhu♥ took super loooooooonng to eat her food, carrot cake! Well, watched her eat, trying to de-stress her and chatted alot ;).

Dhen headed to a nearby void deck, zhuzhu♥ insisted me to teach her how to plae cards o.o Am i doign the right thing? haha! well i teached her abit lorh, but i dont think she understood whut i said ;p Snapped some pics with her too, but im lazy to upload here haha! Chatted agn also.

When u held my arms, my blood pressure raised in an instant, but i love it just like how i love todae ;) Ciao ppl!

Lalalalala~Friday, February 19, 2010